Writing about anything Web Development and then some.

These are mostly topics/concepts that are new to me that I don't want to forget about. These are more guidelines than articles. There's no writing structure, just writing how I came to do things.

Also, each blog content came from Contentful CMS, so the look of each entry might change as I go along.

Sending Email in React using Resend

This shows how to send emails using Resend. This does not show how to create an email template, rather, just how to send a simple email with text and attachment.

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Getting Types of Data created in Contentful CMS

This shows a way on how to get the types of the content model in contenful CMS. This follows a video from Sean Davis with just an added one-liner step at the end.

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How I Start a NextJS Project in App Router

A sample way of how to structure the folders of one of my NextJS app. This purely for my reference when doing other similar projects in the future. I'll be building on this article for future changes and/or updates.

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